we don't need to change how we do conservation, we need to change why we do it

Tag: #buddhism

Tangled yet Vital Relationship between Buddhism and the Scientific Mind

In this perilous decade of transition — for both Humans and Nature — an awakening mind must not underrate the evolutionary value of a wandering mind, because the human mind cannot be creative if it doesn’t wander freely, and regularly. The evolved human trait of discursive thinking is an equal term in Nagarjuna’s teaching of …

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Yes, I still have questions. Do you?

In case you’re wondering why I haven’t posted lately, it’s not because I’ve lost interest in species conservation, rewilding, or looking at any other issues through the lens of Natural History. I just don’t have anything to say lately that I haven’t already said in these pages. Please read any one of my past posts …

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Young Buddha Meets Old Buddha, Part-1: Realizing that Humans are Naturally Compromised

A short selection from Essay Forty-five in Darwin, Dogen, and the Extremophile Choice. Do not depart from deceptions and errors; for they of themselves are the nature of True Reality. When all things are illumined by wisdom and there is neither grasping nor throwing away, then you can see into your own nature and gain …

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Young Buddha leaves Home, Part-5: Trouble with ‘Visionary’ Philosophies

A short selection from Essay Forty-four in Darwin, Dogen, and the Extremophile Choice. [YOU MIGHT WANT TO SKIP THIS ON A FIRST READING OF THE TWO BUDDHAS SEQUENCE] The subtle source is clear and bright; the branching streams flow in the dark. To attach to things is primordial illusion; to encounter the absolute is not …

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Young Buddha at Home, Part-3: Pandora’s Box

The fourth section of Darwin, Dogen, and the Extremophile Choice begins. PART IV —Pandora’s Box Give me a lever, a fulcrum, and a place to stand, and I will move the Earth. —Archimedes Prometheus … Gk Myth a demi-god … worshiped by craftsmen. When Zeus hid fire away from man [author’s note: according to Bullfinch’s Mythology, fire …

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Old Buddha’s Gift, Part-2: Bodymind Re-ligation

A short selection from Essay Twenty-Eight in Darwin, Dogen, and the Extremophile Choice. [YOU MIGHT WANT TO SKIP THIS ON A FIRST READING OF THE TWO BUDDHAS SEQUENCE] … to understand religion and to affirm it are not the same but almost exactly the opposite. —Merleau-Ponty (as interpreted by Remy C. Kwant) [1] Objectivity is …

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Old Buddha’s Gift, Part-1: the Body is Mind

A short selection from Essay Twenty-Seven in Darwin, Dogen, and the Extremophile Choice. [YOU MIGHT WANT TO SKIP THIS ON A FIRST READING OF THE TWO BUDDHAS SEQUENCE] “If your cart doesn’t move,” [Dogen] asks, “is it better to prod the cart or to prod the horse (sic)” …everyone knows you should prod the horse …

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Young Buddha leaves Home, Part-3: Awakening to Old Buddha’s Gift—the Bodymind

A short selection from Essay Twenty-Six in Darwin, Dogen, and the Extremophile Choice. [YOU MIGHT WANT TO SKIP THIS ON A FIRST READING OF THE TWO BUDDHAS SEQUENCE] It is by a mathematical point only that we are wise, as the sailor or the fugitive slave keeps the polestar in his eye; but that is …

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Young Buddha leaves Home, Part-2: the Practice

By admin in Humanity’s Future A short selection from Essay Twenty-Five in Darwin, Dogen, and the Extremophile Choice. [YOU MIGHT WANT TO SKIP THIS ON A FIRST READING OF THE TWO BUDDHAS SEQUENCE] What would it be like to settle into your own body, into a sense of just being alive, even for a few moments … You …

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Young Buddha leaves Home, Part-1: Looking Inward

A short selection from Essay Twenty-Four in Darwin, Dogen, and the Extremophile Choice. [YOU MIGHT WANT TO SKIP THIS ON A FIRST READING OF THE TWO BUDDHAS SEQUENCE] [Phenomenological reduction] is a piece of pure self-reflection, exhibiting the most original evident facts; moreover, if it brings into view in them the outlines of idealism … …

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